Living Life After the Death of a Loved One - Blog Portada - - More Abundant Life

Living Life After the Death of a Loved One

The loss of a cherished relative or a loved one brings with it sorrow, anguish, hurt, tears, defiance, and despair. Regardless of who you lose—a mother, father, friend, brother, husband, daughter, or wife—or the circumstances surrounding the death, the loss affects you deeply. How can we cope with such indescribable pain and embrace our feelings of loss and abandonment? Let us take a moment to understand living life after the death of a loved one.

Each Person Grieves Differently

Every single one of us has or will experience the death of a loved one. Sooner or later, we all must come to terms with the circle of life.

The most difficult thing is the period of “making peace” with the idea of never seeing a loved one again. The loss of a cherished family member or a friend is always followed by post-loss pain.

Sometimes, overwhelming despair is intolerable. Talking to friends, feeling lonely, crying, and going to the cemetery every day do not work. The temptation to reject transience exists regardless of the circumstances of death (accident, suicide, disease, or old age).

Guilt, despair, and even suicidal thoughts are frequently experienced in addition to grief, regret, fear, wrath, and loneliness. Why should I continue to exist when I am alone? The mourner is fervently seeking out the significance of the deceased’s passing.

Funerals, which serve as a physical farewell to the departed, are both incredibly stressful experiences. Instead of making us feel better, they might cause a person to engage in a variety of defense mechanisms.

With all that in mind, is there any solution that can help us deal with grief?

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What You Can Do to Accept the Death of a Loved One

When a loved one passes away, the initial reaction is typically denial of the current circumstances. Moreover, some feel a steadfast belief that the loved one is still alive.

Accepting the truth of death should be the first step in the grief process.

The symbolism of donning black clothing when in mourning is significant; they are a “quiet plea” to treat the mourner with care and empathy to avoid causing agony via less tactful queries. Mourning is the period spent sobbing, screaming in agony, remaining silent in solitude, and sharing memories with others.

You cannot hurry the process of sorrow because we all mourn for a different period. That is why, you can be rebellious and angry, experience mood swings, weep, or feel lonely. In the meantime, you should get support from family or friends.

Time cures all wounds, and each person has the freedom to grieve for as long as they need.

To prevent living with a phony smile and a shattered heart on the inside, it is recommended to seek treatment from a psychologist when the period of grieving is extended.

The Act of Letting Go

To let go after the death of a loved one is never an easy process. There are no everyday occurrences, commonplace gestures, smiles, or the sound of a loved one’s voice. It is time to gradually get past the phase of intense grief and begin to heal and revitalize.

You must rearrange your priorities and begin to communicate with others. Living life does not imply that the departed are forgotten, and this should not be a cause for regret.

The act (and art) of letting go means you have to carry on and focus on your more abundant life. In the end, the death of a loved one can be seen as a new opening – their way to the afterlife.

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