Marinalva (Mari) Plasencio Articulo 2 RedondoWe are all grounded in and inseparably connected with the Wholeness that is God. We are each a wave in the universal ocean of life, all expressions of the One Source. Yet we are also distinct and unique individualizations of it. No two of us are like.

Every day offers us opportunities to be our own unique self. We are called from within ourselves to follow a path that is ours and only ours to travel, and we fulfill a deep call to be who we truly are when we listen to our inner voice and are guided by it. Trusting that summons of the deep self, we are impower to realize our singular role in the world. We hear our summons most clearly when we value who and what we are by listening to our inner promptings and going our own way in life.

Realizing that that no one else can make the contribution that each of us individually is here to make, we refrain from comparing ourselves with others, and we move beyond any hesitancy or fear to be who and what we are, whatever that may be involve. The world awaits the gift we must give.

As we pursue our unique path, we become fully, truly alive. We express the individual self we were born to be. Each of us is on our own unique path in life, and we are called to step forward on it with confidence and commitment.

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