Blog - YOU ARE THE ONE by Mari Plasencio


Marinalva (Mari) Plasencio Articulo 2 RedondoIn the dark of night or in some circumstances of stress or hurt or fear, you have only to take a moment to slow your breathing and relax. When you have become still and quiet, you may hear a soft whisper from somewhere deep inside of your being. Who is speaking? It is you

There is only One, and you are part of the One. Oneness is that pervasive universal life force and energy interpenetrating and connecting all that exist. What is the whispering voice saying? Listen to it now:

“You are my precious and cherished child. You are held in the cradling safety of Love always, no matter what. You are perfect as you are, and all is in divine order in your life and in your being. You are here because I brought you forth, out of my need for you. You are exactly as I want, you to be and you are the fulfillment of my idea for you. I’m always with you, guiding you and guarding you. Listen to my whispering voice whenever you feel alone. Stop and listen to me. I am here. I am there. I am everywhere. You are my beloved and I ask of you only to love yourself as I love you. All is well with you. You are my creation in whom I’m well pleased.”

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