The misuse of our own freedom has dragged us to a life of ignorance, illusion, and frustration. When trouble arrives, we ask ourselves: Where is God? Doesn’t He care?
I can firmly say that God cares, and he is closer than we think. He does not change. He still is as loving and as good as He always was, but our ignorance separates us from Him and all His desire toward humankind.
Today more than anything, the search for this good God and all his truth has met with his need to reveal Himself and how He operates. The time is now. He is doing a new thing, and we are part of it. He urges us to get closer and listen to His still voice saying, “I come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.”
Sarah –
Enjoyed every bit of it! Looking forward to more books from the author.”
Robert –
“Loved the writing style. Looking forward to more books from this author!”
Allison –
“Such an eye-opening book! Kept me hooked till the end.”